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Aitor Bermejo San Jose


Film Cinta Mati Vino G Bastian Download: A Dark Comedy About Suicide Attempts

If you are looking for a film that combines drama, comedy, and satire, you might want to check out Film Cinta Mati Vino G Bastian Download, a 2013 Indonesian movie starring Vino G Bastian and Astrid Tiar. The film tells the story of two strangers who meet on a night when they both want to end their lives, but end up failing in their suicide attempts and going on a wild adventure together.

The film is directed by Sekar Ayu Asmara, who is known for her works in the horror genre. However, this film is not a horror movie, but rather a dark comedy that explores the themes of love, life, and death. The film also features a cameo appearance by Luna Maya, who plays the lead singer of a rock band.


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Film Cinta Mati Vino G Bastian Download is available for streaming and download on various platforms, such as . The film has received mixed reactions from critics and audiences, some praising its originality and humor, while others criticizing its plot and execution. If you are curious about this film and want to see how two suicidal people find meaning in their lives through each other, you can download Film Cinta Mati Vino G Bastian Download today and enjoy this quirky and unconventional movie.

The Plot of Film Cinta Mati Vino G Bastian Download

The film follows the journey of Acid and Jaya, who have different reasons for wanting to die. Acid is heartbroken after her fiancé cheated on her a day before their wedding, while Jaya is a wannabe rock musician who idolizes Jim Morrison and other legends who died young. They agree to help each other commit suicide, but their plans always go wrong due to their fears and circumstances. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and challenges, such as a gang of thugs, a drug dealer, a suicidal poet, and a mysterious man who claims to have messages from heaven. They also learn more about each other's secrets and personalities, and develop a bond that goes beyond friendship. Will they succeed in their suicide mission, or will they find a new reason to live?

The Cast of Film Cinta Mati Vino G Bastian Download

  • Vino G Bastian as Jaya: A depressed and disillusioned rock musician who wants to die like his idols.

  • Astrid Tiar as Acid: A bitter and cynical woman who wants to kill herself after being betrayed by her fiancé.

  • Luna Maya as Luna: The lead singer of a famous rock band who makes a cameo appearance in the film.

  • Rangga Djoned as Rangga: A drug dealer who sells Jaya some pills that are supposed to help him die.

  • Deddy Mahendra Desta as Desta: A suicidal poet who joins Jaya and Acid in their quest to end their lives.

  • Tio Pakusadewo as Tio: A mysterious man who claims to have messages from heaven for Jaya and Acid.

The Reviews of Film Cinta Mati Vino G Bastian Download

Film Cinta Mati Vino G Bastian Download is a film that tackles a serious issue with a humorous twist. It shows how two people who have lost hope can find it again in the most unexpected way. It also explores the meaning of life, love, and death from different perspectives. The film is not for everyone, as it may contain scenes and dialogues that are sensitive or offensive to some viewers. However, if you are looking for a film that is different from the usual romantic comedies or dramas, you might want to give Film Cinta Mati Vino G Bastian Download a try.

Here are some of the reviews of the film from IMDb users:

"This film is a dark comedy that makes you laugh and cry at the same time. The actors did a great job in portraying their characters, especially Vino G Bastian and Astrid Tiar. They have a good chemistry and make you feel their emotions. The film also has some surprising twists and turns that keep you engaged. The film is not perfect, but it is definitely worth watching." - rizky_rahman

"I was disappointed by this film. I expected something more from the director of some of the best horror movies in Indonesia. This film is neither funny nor scary, but rather boring and predictable. The plot is weak and the characters are annoying. The film tries to be deep and meaningful, but it fails miserably. The film is a waste of time and money." - angga_pratama

"This film is a masterpiece of satire and irony. It shows how absurd and ridiculous life can be, and how love can change everything. The film is not for the faint-hearted, as it deals with some dark and controversial topics, such as suicide, drugs, and religion. The film is not meant to be taken seriously, but rather to make you think and laugh. The film is a brilliant work of art that deserves more recognition." - sari_indah

The Conclusion of Film Cinta Mati Vino G Bastian Download

Film Cinta Mati Vino G Bastian Download is a 2013 Indonesian movie that tells the story of two suicidal strangers who meet on a night when they both want to end their lives, but end up failing in their suicide attempts and going on a wild adventure together. The film is a dark comedy that explores the themes of love, life, and death. The film stars Vino G Bastian and Astrid Tiar as the main characters, and features a cameo appearance by Luna Maya. The film is available for streaming and download on various platforms, such as Ganool, OpenSea, and SoundCloud. The film has received mixed reactions from critics and audiences, some praising its originality and humor, while others criticizing its plot and execution.

If you are interested in watching this film, you can download Film Cinta Mati Vino G Bastian Download today and enjoy this quirky and unconventional movie.


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