Most of us who use search engines, whether "google" or "bing" or "yahoo" or "DuckDuckGo", just to name a few of the traditional platforms, use the same method to look for something. We rely on whatever "indexing" that platorm uses. "Indexing" is how the search engine organizes and stores search results in their central database (index). Now before any data is indexed seach engines uses "spiders" , or a type of bot to first look hard at links and content data, before it is cataloged into the database. The links with the highest returns are displayed to the user in the search engine results. That simple.
Google Dorking, or unfairly termed Google Hacking, is a smarter way to search in Google. Hacking is the act of gaining unauthorized access to data in a system or computer. In many cases "hacking" is illegal and unethical. Google Dorking is legal and available to use without reprocussions, if use is not intended to cause any harm to systems or individuals.
Basically Google Dorking allows to user to place different operators into a seach string to return more precise results: Here are some examples:
Lazy search for "concert tours summer 2024" Instead search for this "concert tours summer 2024 intext California" Your results will return for tours scheduled for California.
To do an index of computer file servers, open sites type "intitle "index of" intext ftp".
Type intitle "webcamxp 5" will return open public webcams from all over the world.
Finally, if you wish to explore more of Google Dorking, download the operator cheat sheet here.
Remember to Dork Responsibily.